Embroidered Butterfly #7 {Pearl-bordered Fritillary}

Hey friends! 

Last week I posted a One Frame of a Pearl-bordered fritillary – a beautiful black and orange creature who usually lives among the scrub on Bodmin moor, I felt so unbelievably blessed to not only have actually seen so many up close but to have gotten a couple of great photos as well! It goes without saying that a needlework version wasn’t going to be too long in the making!! (its #7 on my embroidered butterfly challenge.)

A Pearl-bordered Fritillary has a real life wingspan of about 4.5cm, there’s a Mr and Mrs (male left, female right). My needlework versions have a wingspan of about 9cm to keep them inline with my ‘twice life size’ scale.

There aren’t too many differences between the male and female and in real life they are so small and move so fast its hard to tell, but to create in needlework I followed the illustrations by Richard Lewington and there was actually quite a difference in the black central patterning on the lower wings between the two.

The black patterning was quite fiddly and needed to be done with a single thread. This has pretty much become my favourite needlework butterfly so far!

Plus I love the stripy antenna they have.

I’m hoping that you enjoyed this post and that you’ll stay with me on my butterfly making journey. Thank you so much for checking this out and I wish you a wondrous week ahead!

Ps. If you want to have a look at my other butterflies they’re HERE!

© ArtyMissK 2024

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