The Glorious 25th of May!

Hello friends! 

Welcome back…unless this is first time you’ve read one of my posts, then, hey! How ya doing and most importantly welcome!! 

Tomorrow is The Glorious Twenty-Fifth of May and I’ve got a new piece of hand lettering art to share with you this week. Truth, justice, freedom, reasonably priced love and a hard boiled egg! Is a quote from Terry Pratchett’s brilliant Discworld novel Night Watch. Sir Terry was a genius and is my favourite author second only to Tolkien.

Something I love about the Discworld books is that you can just pick one and read it as a stand alone or read the whole lot in order and watch the various plots interact with each other!

I suck at summaries and I don’t want to give away any spoilers (even though the book was released in ages ago!) but Night Watch includes a touch of time travel, plenty of sarcasm and a self righteous zombie! The hero and Watch commander Sam Vimes is sent back in time…he needs a new job, (in fact by signing up to the Watch he gets back his old one!) he also has to teach his younger self everything he knows and has to defend part of the city from behind a barricade!!!!! The people’s revolutionaries he commands come up with their very own slogan of Truth, justice, freedom, reasonably price love and a hard boiled egg! In the end they wear sprig of lilac in their hats to differentiate themselves from the baddies and the main battle takes place on May 25th.

In 2007 after it was announced that Sir Terry had Alzheimer’s, his fans started to honour him each May 25th by wearing lilac – either the flower or just the colour!

I used my Arteza brush pens and a really fine paint brush to create this piece and think the uses of different fonts work together really well, with a frame of leaves and flowers.

Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my art…I hope you like it! I really suggest everyone should have a go at hand lettering, even if you don’t think your hand writing is up to much as its one of the most relaxing crafts ever…I might try and do some hand lettering tutorials (maybe) anyway thank you so much for reading and I wish you a prosperous week ahead!

ps. Mind how ya go!

psps. That first ps is a Terry Pratchett quote.

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